Monday, December 22, 2008

..errrr cranky is the start of it

..well i was the grumpiest gal in the land today.. woke up grumpy-and then stu said something(which he didnt mean to come out that way- i have no filter today) so it upset me a lot(im also a bit more sensitive than usual at the moment)

anyway considering my mindset..and how everybody even NEAR me should be walking on egg shells- i was pretty pleased that the weight was 63.0 as im probs retaining some water 2! very upset/and annoying stomach today-which i dont usually get

..massage at 11 after a 55 min walk..quite funny-it was sooooo windy........ i watched a bird try 5 times(a small one) to go forward into it and he ended up 30m behind where he started..he was a persistent little brat
-then in for my massage..and narelle said i was like a NORMAL person barely hurt today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a bit here and there..but not the whole time!!! how cool
..apparently my right ITB band is soooo tight that it has been pulling my alignment out it was tight but it wasnt so bad it ouldnt be
..then home to wrap pressies via shopping but i tried to keep wallet shut
..stu cooked me a gorgeous dinner-zuchinni pasta..delicious..nice glass of red-ajh in particualr will appreciate..
..back..well let me ostrich- it s kinda crap at the mo-did some pilates tonight though
..ive decided.............. im more quiet than i used to be
..sigh..maybe im growing up :(
..oh and to answer a qn EE asked me the other day-im not going to singapore..the teaching would be quite err uninspiring.....and it will be available another year and next year...what with- 2 year 12s , head of junior aths, head of year 8 maths, form teacher, and normal teaching load-that is well and truly enough of me being out there!!!!


Stu Mac said...

A normal person???? Just make sure that all your readers know that she meant your muscles, not your personality.....


MorseyRuns said...

Man, it is almost like Stu didn't read the start of your post at all! He is just asking for it!
Hope today is a bit better mate.

Anonymous said...

Sara - it is okay - I suspect that when jo has a 'bad' day Stu just looks at her and shrugs his shoulders - which probably makes jo even madder :-)

Jo - enjoy the challenges of teaching in 09 - you have heaps on ....

take care

Eat Em

Kathy said...

I saw your facebook status update and thought ... nah, don't comment today!

Don't panic about growing up JoJo ... it's all a great adventure ... although, I must have missed the memo about being quiet as I got older. LOL.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Yep ... I always appreciate a nice glass of red!