Tuesday, December 2, 2008

..just a quickie

yeponly quick- cos my eyes hurt-been looking at a computer so long my eyes are streaming water...and im not crying(although i did cry earlier-when i opened a card from my nieces..whatta baby i am)
..anyway super tired...just stopped doing reports-have been going full on since 7:30 this morn..and feeling so stressed and tired...i am at that stage where im so tiredi feel like im about to cry :(
anyway im supposed to have checked and corrected all my student reports(between 10-14 reports per student, 27 reports) but one person still hasnt done 2 reports for every person so i have NO IDEA how im supposed to finish within the time line. Then i have to finish my tutor reports.80% done, only have to make the academic comments and spell check etc(which takes longer than one might think)
anyway seeing double so ive had enough for the day...super grumpy
..and i got to the track feeling all of these at once...faint(very),grumpy(very), on the verge of tears(big time) no motivation(big time) and i nearly packed up my gear and just left when a i was doing my stride throughs i was having a pain in my leg..a not very nice one either
anyway the set was 4x200@44s, 2x400@88-89 1x600@2:12 2x400@88s 4x200@44s

yep its a tough little set...a bit of wind too but not too bad until the 600..even stu added on some time abd said i could do 2:15

200s 41.x 42.x 42.x 42.x
400 87.x 88.x
600 2:15
400 87.x 86.x
200 42.x 43.x 42.x 39.x we chased down someone

amazed i got through it-as i really felt terrible..didnt feel much better at the end..then when i got home, i saw the card from my nieces and had a big cry in the shower

life sucks at the moment..but its only for 2 days and then i can stop being the huge bee-ach i am at the moment..i dont deal particularly well with stress..
..although at the track-i tried particularly hard not to snap at anyone-so i just didnt talk much
:( x 10


Anonymous said...

One word ..... alcohol

Take care


Andrew(ajh) said...

bee-ach? you? no way?

I was going to be more specific than EE and say bottle of red - but that seems to be my answer to everything these days.

Ewen said...

Amazingly good running considering how much of a bee-ach you were.

This might sound sexist, but it's awful when girls cry at training.

Hang in there.

MorseyRuns said...

I agree- booze solves all. Glad you finally heard from those nieces!