Friday, November 28, 2008

ooh exciting

ok..i may be a little obsessive...when i get soemthing in myt brain it is kinda hard to shift- i stu tends to go-"we've discussed this already"..hmm i like to rediscuss things from every angle err 5 times :) i know very annoying for BOYS
..anyway his coach friend B reckons i should go sub 2:40(which would be pretty good and put me way way further ahead than last year) before the end of the year..but i do only have 2 more races til then :( so not sure...) although the milers meet was vgood for me last year\..maybe -just maybe that pb is achievable-at 2:34.1 -its still a long way off at the minnie..goddamit-couldnt i have been a but slower as an 11 and under chickybabe...LOL
..and also..i am just such a lucky gal..super can you not be with a spunky spunky bf, and living in the land of denial re must be the wine talking..gee i do crack myself up
ive thought long and hard about this...i do actually have a slightly obsessive personality-and since stu is my coach -its perfectly alright to obsess a little over running -snt that just good focus ;)...other bfs all thought i ran/sported too much
..and BIG decision
I AM NOT GOING BACK TO SQUASH even though Karen said i may be able to9which initially made me very happy).... the risk is too great..i cant go back to all that pain!!! its 2 debilitating and part of me wonders how i ever managed.The thought of it makes me want to curl up in a little ball..
FUNYY-how when you are having it-you're so TOLERANT-yet the thought of the return when it is under control brings up so much DREAD its unbelievable(im just a big BABY really )...seriously- i dont think NOW i could go back to those 5.5-7 days of VERY bad pain out of every 7 :(
we'll see though///my mind changes with the wind, and i do LOVE squash.. but i am really enjoying my running too so there is a sbstitute...
thoughts?advice?apart from stu-i know what he reckons-remember Karen does say it is an option


MorseyRuns said...

I understand completely- I begged Dr K to be able to play tennis again and she finally said yes- but I am too scared I will roll my ankle and have to start again. No tennis for me. Is it possible for you to introduce a bit of squash and see how it goes then reassess?

Anonymous said...

How about this, if you go back to squash you may jeopardise your chance of achieving those PBs that you are chasing.

And boring I know but you have your long term well being to consider as well.

I am similar, Dr K has told me that I am fine now and can be running higher mileage than I currently am, but I choose to be more conservative, ultimately we are the ones who know our bodies the best and we must work within our limitations.

Stu Mac said...

Hmmm so I'm not allowed to comment, but as your small paragraph had six or so differnet subjects mentioned does that mean I can comment on some but not others.... ;-)

Andrew(ajh) said...

I think NOT playing is 100% the right decision. I used to love playing basketball and soccer (in my youth) and have been tempted to join in with some friends recently for some basketball and indoor soccer. But I just know that if I do that the twisting/turning will probably have my knee wrecked in 5 minutes.

So, I'm just making happy with what seems to be working.

You might find you feel beeter about squash now too, knowing it is your choice not to play, rather than not being allowed to.

Kathy said...

I'm not so sure that doing the sensible thing fits with the title of your blog!

I know just how you feel about being super happy! We lucked out with our bf's, didn't we?