Saturday, November 29, 2008

..err shoulda thought that one through

..doesnt seem like it would take that many brains to realise it....but wine is for AFTER a run jojo..not before LOL
up this morning..hanging with stu's littlest him into a frenzy about 'errands' again- lol he thinks there great..wanna do errands..his response yeah errands ..yeah!!!!!!!! cracks me up

then drop into the track to see D run a race, say hi to C and then a quick kiss hello form daddy then home to bake the shape of a giraffe(thats the only one that turned out)i made a rhino-anyway dont go thinking i cooked from scratch though!!!! you should have seen my disgust at teh packs which saisd i had to add , butter eggs and a million other things..i mean SERIOUSLY-i might as well cook the thing from scratch of i hafta go to that much effort..and then YAY-ers.. i found one which said JUST ADD MILK... 3 beautiful words..anyway the tike quite enjoyed it and then dutifully offered to all the others upon their return
...then off to the shops again,then picked up D from a party then played at the bowling club-computer games the afternoon tea where i had a wine..and went OOPS i forgot to run(i decided not to race early on)
so the run.... 40 mins with 10 min of surging..fortunately allowed to do 2x5 mins-just about killed me, but i was hauling butt -probs 4:30 i reckon...maybe 4;35
..then out to dinner at my fave Vietnamese place, quick icecream on the way home and now home watching sex and the city :) :)


Ewen said...

I wanted a race!!!! Yes, that's four exclamation marks for a 2:forty.

Andrew(ajh) said...

What about those ones you just cut up and bake, like a roll of stuff you just slice and bake. Even easier!

Kathryn said...

I'm like that with packet mixes - if you have to add more than one ingredient then what's the point.

Anonymous said...

Oh people, come on, it only takes 20 minutes to whip up biscuits from scratch, if I can do it anyone can!