errr///lol maybe slightly tiddly
ummm missjo may have had 2200 wines not that many..but all i can say is be careful when stu tops up your glass lol...i have a sneaking suspicion he wanted me to fall asleep for the hour drive but it kinda backfired ..iwas chatty happy jojo//// saw my bestest gf
..newly kidded up..a nd a few other of her possy :) 9 in total i think
yay love fridays
no running rest days...maybe thats why i loooove fri so much..dont get me wrong ..i LOVE to run
sat: stu went off to little As///i reorganise dmy delightful walk in robe.... its so neat and pretty now..once i n colour-ise it(order it in tyoe,then coloours within type), it will be perfect.. :) so stu and i got to hang out woohoo
then off to senior aths where we ummed and aahed about whther it would be on...winds were HOWILING!!!!!!!!!and rain intermttent..anyway got cancekled...jojo raises fist in victory salute...why am i not because i hate 1500s lol..but i shouldve done so i could show the time of last week was an anomaly, noone running my time so decide to run a 10x200set@38-40s
err all done at 37s with 1x38 and 2x36s.. in clodhoppers,sooooooo heavy
..then hour run today..first half super super slow..stu wanted me ti run with his secnd slow lets get this straight..i dont want to coach..have no intentions of err would rather concentrate on my own was rather annoying...the slow girls at the back kept whinging and starting to walk and errr i was not that pleased ..if he wants me to do that again, i need ot do a half hour run first... stu has gone well it wasnt that much slower..but lets put in perspective-it was 6min(bar the extra 200m which may equate to 1:15) slower than what i did by myelf comfortably whe i went by myself straight after
..although i did say claire(who is my pace) ca run any time she wants with me as she doesnt interfere with my trainng(she runs my pace)..i wante dto run wiht them today :( ... selfish???maybe but you know i have to put up with kids ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL day everyday and well just AND!
then off to my best friends house,.where i had a ripper day..where i thought i was actually being funny..but stu tells me they were just laughing at me(although im sure a couple of people laughed at my jokes :( ) maybe i need to just pull my head in and stop being so joke-y :(
..well i am pretty unfunny actually....and i do LAUGH at ALL my own annoying ;) hey i say that but i HAVE no intention of changing
So was there any English in your rambling post?
Ooohh Jo, u crack me up. Hope the hangover isn't too bad. And no Stu, I don't think there was too much english in that post at all!! Lucky we can all read Jojo language.
Learn english for gawds sake ..... :-)
(It mus be 'pick on Jo day ....)
Eat Em
As I have stated before, I happen to be fluent in Joglish so I was able to understand it in one go.
Regarding the run, no it is not selfish to want to do your own thing and run at your pace.
Yep I understood everything too. Hope you read this one back and have a laugh!
I understood most of it on first go, although I'm not sure whether I'm pleased about that or not.
Not sure what "npo" means. Is that some Jojo acronym?
OK 200s.
I think I figured this out. Stu wanted you to run with his slower kids, but they were running too slow for you. Is that right?
Anyway, there's no such thing as "too slow" on regeneration runs. The Kenyans are famous for their dawdle jogs of 4-5 miles at 10+ minutes/mile. Enjoy it and don't be a princess.
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