Saturday, May 2, 2009 it forward

did you ever watch the movie ;pay it forward" that movie really touched me... someone does something nice for you-at some stage when can, you do something nice for 3 people..anyway its given me an idea-ill keep it to myself though but suffice it to say, i think that movie had a GREAT philosophy

thought i was finishing work early yesterday but turned out i had to hang around for hour and half for a meeting.....bugger bugger

anyway-had cross country with the boys at my school today they did so well, i was very proud of them
then off home where stu took me to Gellibrand(dont ask me where it is i have NFI) for a 40 ish min run
..err someone forgot to tell miss jo that it was full of hillls!!!!!! we did 7.8km in 43 mins..i felt reasonably good considering ive jumped by over 10kms this week

i also ran 6 days a week-i thought i always ran 6 days a week but checking my schedule there only been 4 or less weeks this year where i have run 6 days... anyway a 49.5km week for me is rather large-havent run this far in quite some time...lighter week next week

did quite a lot of hwk today-more tomorrow as well-having a few wines tonight whlist staying home with my most lovely bf (and yes that is

1 comment:

Stu Mac said...

The last two weeks have been similar effort, but you took a few days off (required).

As I said yesterday, I have always considered you a 5 day training person, not that there is anything wrong with that!