Sunday, May 3, 2009

and another sunday long run-isnt life good :)

..allthough one of the first thigns i say every morning is....oooh my foot hurts...been pretty much sore evry day since january.never mind-i am going to try some of those party feel gel things

so we took off for a sunday long run-after a very hilly 8kms yesterday i knew leggies would be tired so decided to stick to the flat...and then ummed and aaahed and changed my mind a MILLION times(i am very anooying like that-stu often asks me at dinner what im having and when the lady comes up i order something completely different) LOL-where was I? anyway i decided to go run with stu and his kidlet running group-just felt like an easy hee turned right which meant straight into a whopper of a hill-im quite happy with how my legs are doing up hills at the minnie-they are quite strong- had to stop after 1.5 mins of running to try to warm my ankles up-they just feel like glass initially-should have brought the dencorub -it does help-i think its just leftover crap in them from when i disastrously sprained both the medial and lateral ligament simultaneously-(bball)
anyway the first 26 mins was with the kids and mechelle was running with me and we went off to do another 45 but after10mins she decided she was trashed so she turned around.. :( going from someone to run with to noone was sad, especially as my legs had started to grumble, my ITB was feeling quite tight after 40mins and then the legs themselves felt very very tired..lets just say the last half hour wasnt overly nice but70 mins is 70 mins done
last week was my highest week since last july.. 49.5 kms and substantially higher than any this year
easier week this week(racing sat) and next(im on camp)

ooh and im moving like an old granny-i think im the only person who would rather STEEP uphill than STEEP downhill-it really HURTS my back... ive taken anti inflamms but if it remains like it is(sharp pains evry time i try to stand up) i will have to go to dry needling but i really really really dont waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


MorseyRuns said...

You know I totally agree on the downhill running and the dry needling mate- hope it gets better soon. Oh and I always walk around like an old lady- sometimes I feel like I need a walking frame.

Andrew(ajh) said...

I agree about the uphill vs downhill. Dr K says I can run uphill as much as I like but for the good of my knee to walk the downhills.