Friday, May 22, 2009

err c'mon leggies...hang in there..........

okay-OMG how busy was this week!!!!!!!!! my head still spinning?????????????????

quick catch up:
wed................ supposed to be 45 min run but the legs just SUCKED and i was struggling at 5 mins and it just never got any didnt feel good, didnt feel like i was getting any benefit at all so i pulled the VERY TIRED LEADEN pin at 30mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then i cooked a bland frozen fish mashed potatoes and beans and culinary expertise does not come close to the bf's

thurs. 4(ish kms with the boys) at a gues 5-5:10min pace for 21mins or so then off ot the track for a set with stu and the boys.....
stu was going to do 1000,800,600,400,600,800,1000 m pyramid set at 96 sec per 400(yikes-4min/km pace)
..i was given a reprieve and let off the 1kms due to me already running 4kms(and umm also on account of me being as soft as
anyway i did 800,600,400,600,800 most were on pace except for one rep(3sec slow for hte 600)-there might have been one toher but they were pretty much on song

i was breathing pretty hard, but was also trying to develop this 'float' which i dont quite trying to lean forward a bit..also trying to push off a bit with the back foot(i think i am lacking in this are as my right foot is bit weak from where i have some resultant nerve damage and never fully recovered the power/strength in my toes when i lost foot functionality 2 years ago)

then out for dinner last night with david and nic..was lovely...they are great people-heaps of fun :) too many drinks..or so i found out this morning when the DEATH alarm went off.i felt fine....but OMG my eyes were GLUED OK it wasnt that bad.... im just completely tired at the moment
legs were wrecked today(been a BIG week of kms)

back:well the less said the better really..suffice it to fo my friends came up to me after the maths meeting and said...hey jo, you look like youre a combination of tiredness and pain....hmmm he must know me well..either that or the grimace while it took me a while to stand up... gotta do some positive back stuff for the next week..apparently hoping it just goes away and pretending it doesnt exist....doesnt really work so well :(
hmmmm lucky wine is such a good painkiller...sigh


Jaykay said...

Wow, it certainly sounds like you've had a huge week.

Don't forget that Clarkey is your man if you want electrical stuff!!

Kathy said...

Laughing out loud at the death alarm! Hope your spinning head has settled down a little by now. Take care.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Hmmm ... good idea ... pain ... wine ... I think I'll go open a bottle.

Ewen said...

How many other soft cheeses does he let off doing the long intervals? Get the boys to run slower in the warm-up and you won't be so stuffed ;)

Oh yes, when has your head not been spinning?