Sunday, December 6, 2009

..shy little thing
..yep i was wondering what the acute pain in one spot in my back was(not un-normal......) but it turned out to be a great big ruise...tooo shy to come out immediately...but out nonetheless today..i wonder if it is still there tomoz if karen will shove a needle into my bruise...wouldnt that be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
had a mixed day today...over-reacting about something that i should tbut it is bothering me................................... :(
sore teeth kept me awake a
mos tof fri night but ran sat ..i did 2km warm up then 2km bends and straights(straights faster(1500pace)) and then another 2 so 7km all up...surprisingly then bed and straights section ended up abput 4.50min /km...i was shocked by this...i would find it hard work to do 2km at 4.50 in training(hard work might be over stating it i sp0se)
and then out for drinks with david and nic, waied an hour and half for cab, got shitty so walked to cra, had an argument, cos stu is THE slowest walker in the world, cos when im cold i kinda wanna MOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! far out brussel sprout....
then 10.4km run today
then caight up with gfs from high school

quite funny-all had done quite well...going to a GOOD school does make a big difference.....and we didnt pay to go-there are some very good gov schools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway nighty night! hoping to NOT have injection in the back of the knee tomoz


Andrew(ajh) said...

Good luck with Dr K - hope she's nice to you!

Ewen said...

I mustn't have gone to a good gov school ;)

If he's that slow, maybe don't suggest he do the 1500m race walk for points at shield.