Thursday, November 26, 2009

--okay its time to go away

...the cough that is...time to vamoose...head off to sunnier pastures...retire to a better place etc etc

i am WELL over it(well im not-which is the point-poor stu was kept awake for some time as a result last night
anyway i did at least do a set
4x200s the longer break, the 2x200s with 4x150s
200s between 37 and 38.5 and then 400s(ooopsies EDIT 150) were 25,26,26 and the last one stu said to catch the girls in front so caught the couple in front and then went doh,...wonder if he meant the girl who had a 15m head start so worked hard and yelled to her--cmon dont let me past,,,, so she sped up which was good and we crossed together... didnt look at my watch but at the slowest it would be 24.x sec

was NOT getting my breath back between reps(thats the cold!!!)

AND then i felt reaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllly ill...wasnt pretty...but once i got home and took cold and flu tabs i was ok.....(id skip the arvo tabs -bad idea)
then stu and i out for dinner...had pizza oopsies

800 this week- should be okay-disappointed if i dont get sub 2.40 ..... i am well due........


Em said...

Ughhh, you poor thing, have you tried some cough syrup?

Ewen said...

Don't you mean "150s were 25,26,26"? And 24. - speedy!

I'll take a guess at 2:39.75.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Hope that cough disappears soon!