Thursday, July 23, 2009

..yeah baby-it is official

-i am truly a track runner who dabbles in a bit of cross country. My training has veered towards starting my summer training.still not fast or anywhere near as fast as last year but it was a good first session.
Plan 4x400 at sub 90(so not fast just slighlty faster) 3x300@65 and 2x200 at faster

actual; with 2min standing recovery
400 : 84s faster than necessary (3:30min/km)
400: 87s 3:38min/km
400: 87s 3:38min/km working but didnt feel too hard
300: 62s 3:27min/km
300: 62s 3:27min/km
300: 63s 3:30min/km
200: 38s 3:10min/km
200: 35s 2:55min/km felt good.striding out but not flat chat. pretty happy with this in flats and a wet track.

i love these sort of sessions. Pat on head for COACHY COACH. i quite enjoyed watching the others do the long pyramid set!
stu is now cooking me dinner. -aaah he is a keeper :)

happy miss jojo (and it wasnt a great day at work but a fast run gets out the annoyances)


Ewen said...

I didn't think you were tall enough to pat him on the head.

Don't forget... our coffee bet for the season is on who runs the fastest 1500!

jojo said...

ooh yeah it is ON! stu wants me to do sub 5:30 (hey may be dreaming)

Ewen said...

5:33 will do me ;)

Don't forget - I like a mug of cappuccino with one and a half sugars.