Tuesday, July 7, 2009

..the tuesday hard set

...tuesday is one of the toughest sets of the week0certainly mentally-also knowing the girls i run with didnt have to do the third rep meant i was never going to keep up for the fourth and fifth :(

anyway-couldnt find my garmin today but i cant be sure of my times. i think i was pretty consistent -i ran with a VERY tall 10 year ol(11 next week) and boy she can move-she kept surging so even tho i didnt feel like it, then i ad to omve a bit faster to keep up..was 5x4min but one ended up being 3:54min and another 3:50 due to where we were on the path. my guess is hte reps were around 4:15min/oace maybe slightly faster
my belly hurt in the last one though

a good day today. went shopping.i decided i needed a new pair of runners(well justified) because my other ones are surely the reason my heel is giving me serious grief. i bought a pair of new balance, 2 nike tracksuit pants(50% off) and they had good running socks on special for 3 for $15 at newbalnce(sell in the shops for $20 each and are usually $12 each at the warehouse in smith street) so bought the lad a few pairs too!)oh and went to school to get my pooter fixed(a new shell while they send my poor old one off-but my hard drive is with me-woo hoo
-then out for lunch with stu and the boys(pizza-mmmm mmm)-then the session described above

oh and ewen-you probs are right(i know stu agrees) 50kms would surely mean better running results for longer races.must stop having rest days on mondays and wednesdays and go back to fri only rest days-
as i told you -im pretty soft


Ewen said...

Some extra aerobic condition would help the second lap of your 800 too.

One rest day is plenty. Anyway, an easy hour of running where you start out at warm-up pace and just jog along letting the legs do what they want is like a rest day, only better.

By the way, I've known softer.

jojo said...

thanks ewen. and um an hour of running is nearly my long run-so no it is NOT a rest day

Ewen said...

Aw, you poor thing.

OK then, get your long run up to 70 minutes and do 45-50 minutes of very easy running on your "rest day".

School hols is a good time to start the habit :)

Ewen said...

See, I'm doing you a favour... I can badger you about doing a little more mileage so Stu can have a well deserved break ;)

Stu Mac said...

Chelsea may be 10 (11 next week), but she is taller (very long legs & a good engine once it is ticking over) than you and 'should' be a top 10 in the States this year.