Wednesday, July 8, 2009

..say it isnt so!

according to stu i am the most overly dramatic person he has ever met (i think it is his way of calling me a drama queen
upon being asked how my run was today-i quipped "well it was fine if you count feeling like i was running whilst carrying kaelen(3 year old) on my shoulders a good run(or something to that effect) not dramatic-i merely use analogies to try to convey how something felt!!!!!

needless to say my run felt "ahhhhh not so good"
i had a massage this morning-a LOT of work done on my left heel(i think im having a wee PF issue..bugger bugger) anyway there was no laughing about ticklish feet when narelle worked on that. she said how tight everything down there in the foot was and i probs had a bit of plantar :( not to worry- I giggled like a twelve year old when she touched my right foot! )
-so i am wearing a shoe insert at the mo(even in my slippers as it hurts a bit to walk on-running seems to be ok though
..anyway back was pretty good, right ITB had a little hissy, and my left shin went for an all out tanty!
I even cooked lasagne for the millions. and i made then rugrats a magnificent iced chocolate today that had icecream and whipped cream as well-it was pretty decadent, apart from the custard cups that i made-aptly named custard craters by C.


MorseyRuns said...

So harsh Stu! Nothing wrong with putting it out there. Hope it isn't PF but you know there are plenty of people who can offer you some advice on the matter.

Ewen said...

As long as you're not a high maintenance drama queen.

Em said...

I love a good analogy

Andrew(ajh) said...

Look after that plantar - it can be really stubborn if it gets chronic.