Saturday, July 11, 2009

..please believe me

..when i tell you i do enjoy running and i do have good runs, please please please dont think i lie

HOWEVER, yesterdays run was not one of them. First of a f#$%ing squally wind(one direction more than the other) and as a 7th consecutive day my body went what the F do you think you're doing missy- so i tried to work it to a way where i would run a direction run back a bit and run out again so i would only have a head wind for a max of 15 mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
let me begin with
there was no joy, there was no euphoria from running, there were no lovely endorphins cuddling me-there was just a whole lotta ARE YOU KIDDING- the wind along the creek was NOT pretty -even stu said so when i returned. i had to walk for 20s a couple of times(after 15mins into a DRAMATIC wind i was not a happy camper-ette
but i did it -tick in the box-then was a grumpy as a little miss j could be for the rest of the
70mins.grr ugghg anything you like in there-feel free to imagine any expletive you think

then an aths meeting til after 10pm-stayed up watching the tour, then first day of a level one coaching thingy-um this is the convo with stu
"do i need to tape my back" - no
so i decided i must not need a great sports bra either!(it said low impact
MY butt it was low impact-the 45 min warm up was quite intense(the other 2 groups played games(frisbee etc) whilst we did a MILLION drills and sprints
-then hurdles
-then long jump(had to sit out a few -back really hurt a LOT)
-then high jump
we were told at the beginning that they really wanted us to try everything and it wasnt good if we sat out-so i tried. Im sure i will be sore(esp in the back-have taken an anti inflamm)
i walked in and knew about 6 people which was kinda cool
i am such a conchy little nerdburger- i answered th questions if noone else would, i took notes when others didnt even have pens(lol) and i asked questions(so did many others) i love being an adult though-cos you feel like you can ask questions and not be considered a mega geek! and i suck at hurdles(well i was ok at the drills) and high jump and LONG JUMP will never happen again :(


Ewen said...

I haven't seen you, but stick with the great sports bra.

I'm a bit of a conchy nerdberger too - would have been fighting you with my hand in the air, wispering "pick me miss".

Em said...

You are bringing back memories of when I did that course last year, I sucked at anything that involved skill (ie anything other than just plain old running LOL), Level 2 is less physical, at least the middle/distance option is, it's not like they were going to make us run a marathon :-)

I was a total nerd too, I knew all the world records and had to shut up and let someone else have a go at answering.

Andrew(ajh) said...

I did the Lev 1 and Lev 2 Basketball coaching courses, it's even funnier when you mix in ball/coordination skills with a bunch of old people.

That wind was shocking yesterday!