Sunday, April 12, 2009

ok- enough of stupid resting

..err im a bit over the resting period(obviously)-what was supposed to be a full 2 week rest turned into a week of no running, then running sunday,monday,tuesday, thursday and rest sat and friday so NOT too bad
anyway my sister has been over since wed which has been LOVELY.stu is just so cute with my nieces-he is so patient-which is so bizarre
..anyway dopped my sister off today at the airport-tears and feeling a bit head-achey

only a 43 min run for me today-which was a bit of a drag-not really in the mood -took what was nearly a stumble and kinda jarred my back a teensy bit-am going to take panadol osteo for a while-im a bit concerned about what the naprosyn is doing to my insides. still another week of holidays..woohoo
i am a lucky gal to have family that i actively like-my brother and sister are like freinds to me, nice bf and on holidays

then stu and i went to harbour town and had a gourmet pizza -but funny enough the alchol cost more than the food
oh yeah thurs set- 5x600@4:10 pace (so approx 2min:30s)with 2:30 recovery-felt pretty easy which is pleasing-stu did 800m reps which if id been doing and only 90s recovery wouldve felt hard

happy easter friends and friendesses(yes i do crack myself up)


Andrew(ajh) said...

Happy Easter to you too Jo!

Are the shops at Harbourtown worth going to?

jojo said...

not really

Em said...

Yeah, I have just finished an easy two weeks, so frustrating holding back!

We are going to look fab in two weeks time, all lean and mean and glowing with health :-)

Stu Mac said...

Çrack yourself up'hey....I'm sure your sister told you many times, ÿou are not funny". Wow she is/was right! :)