Thursday, April 23, 2009


i think i need to find another word for tired as i WAAAAAAAY overuse. anyway, didnt run yesterday- to be honest the back was just too bad. It was so horrible in the morning i felt like i might cry(what a sooky la la) and someone was talking to me and i jsut wasnt taking it in...ive gone sorry Meg, im a bit vague and emailed her to tell her why and she said'yeah you kind of had that look about you :( anyway some panadol osteo for breakfast helped somewhat but it was the day from hell- very very TIRING that situation, i was absolutely exhausted when i got home

so today: at the gym by 7am for a 25 min weights circuit, school all day, trained the junior cross country boys(i ran at the bac) so had done 4.5kms before training- so training kinda sucked... 5x600@ 97-98s laps, couldnt manage 6 reps :( so ran about 9kms)

then ate the Lovely chicken soup stu cooked for me last night, being very good food wise(really struggling) but did have some wines last night

okey dokey
big few days-miss jo needs a nap//lol


Andrew(ajh) said...

Hope you can have a restful weekend and give the back a break to recover.

Jaykay said...

Sounds like you really need a break to relax and catch up on some rest and sleep.

Hope the back improves soon.