Monday, April 20, 2009

first day back

no boys today-just a pd session
did very well on the detox today-although am kinda bloated and having pains in tummy today

the set this afternoon was TOUGH. i ran with stu's little tackers and took a couple of his faster kidlets on a 22 min run at 4:52 pace on quite uneven grass/dirt in places so working a little bit

then there was sets of 2 x100m stridethroughs, broken up with lunges then 2 more, then calf things, then 2 more, then big steps up...about 10 stride throughs altogether 800 cooldown, so all up 6.8kms
the legs were already heavy and yeah-they felt it today

then home for stu to cook me a lovely flathead fillet with zucchini,corn,boiled potato,capsicum and asparagus, presented beautifully as well..stu had a wone but not me, stu is now having a couple for lollies and seemed to DELIGHTED


Em said...

I find that when I do those sorts of diets that I get bloated too, I think it is because I eat more fruit than I normally would.

Stu Mac said...

Jo....fruit is food that typically grows on trees, you know don't you???? lol