Sunday, April 5, 2009

..nephews wedding

..had my mother over for the weekend which involves a lot if pursed lips and trying not to be it went ok actually for my nephew(will post piccy of stu and i below ) it was an absolutely lovely wedding-he is a lovely boy-so thoughtful.

anyway stu met my sister and my mother-yes he is allowed to come to my family functions..

so the day started at 10am at the church which took an hour to get to, and i had only picked my mother up and arrived home at 2am-long story-short version, late planes, and missing a turn off

home by about 5-stu and i were going to go to his uncles 50th but stu is a thoughtful person and i will leave it at that-

you yangs this morning-yes im allowed to do some light running this week in m week off- feet very sore(whats new) may have to eventually get it looked at-has now been a few months

im about to fill my naprosyn for my VERY VERY naughty back who is having a massive tanty at the moment(well for the last week)-will do pilates a couple times this week and if that doesnt work-dry needling :( but i really really dont want to go whilst it is this sore-it will be as bad as that first horror time which was seriously dreadful

now-it is cooton wool april- i did my darndest to try and fall over today(lol-very nearly did about 5 times)- then a quick bbq-which wasnt quick at all-imagine trying to cook a bbq over a matchstick-it was about that fast(we had also gone for a 1 hour walk which was lovely)

have my beautiful nieces and sister staying from tuesd to sund -how awesome-am very excited


Em said...

Cotton wool AND bubble wrap if you please and NO running at dusk, or dawn for that matter, full daylight only, not even with clouds in the sky.

In fact may have to arrange for some mattresses on either side of the trail just in case.

Just take care!!

MorseyRuns said...

How exciting about having your nieces staying! But no pony rides or shoulder rides, or only general clowning about while seated for you!

Andrew(ajh) said...

Ahh ... a family wedding, that explains your abscence at R4TK. I did miss you, it was nowhere near as much fun as last years run. Hopefully we can run together again next year!

Ewen said...

He scrubs up okay. As do you ;)

Being allowed to come to my family functions is big.

Look after the back. Stretches the physio gave me and pilates seems to have fixed mine.

Ewen said...

That's "come to your" family functions! I don't want any gate-crashers at mine!