Saturday, March 21, 2009

...ugugugugugugugugughghghghgh week from hell

..first of all i really have to apologise to my bf.. i have been horrible to live with...
i have been sick and OMG so ridiculously tired... wed i had to do an extra 2.5hours extra time with year 12s then straight to doctors for a VERY painful dry needling session, and pilates and skipped running -too sick and then met gfs for dinner where i stayed one hour only came home and almost went to bed by 9:15!
still tired thursday... trained ok..luckily stu knew i still wasnt well and altered my session to 8 stride pace-went a bit faster than that 25,26s and then last two were a bit faster
...friday rest day-only JUST managed to stay awake through the day..felt overwhelmingly tired...had a couple of drinks...was crankiest girl on earth-went to bed very early

couldnt sleep past7am tho-spoke to my sis in america(she comes over in a week..yay) and then went on a shopping stu's bday soon so i bought afew things for him... shhhhhhh
and a tee for each of his boys and a bra for me and one for my sister(it was cheap and im sure its her size) and 2 water bottles as i keep losing them and then the shopping for dinner began
bought prawns(making prawn rice paper rolls for entree) and then salmon for dinner still deciding what to go with it and fresh pineapple for dessert


Ewen said...

You can tell me about the present. I'm good at keeping secrets.

Andrew(ajh) said...

I know my next week is going to to be one of those "ugugugugugugugugughghghghgh weeks from hell" after 2 weeks away.

Oh well, at least we still have jobs I guess.