Saturday, March 7, 2009 not a BABY man!

..thats putting it mildly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
up at 6am thursday morming(after still packing at midnight the night before) stop at the supermarket on the way to buy food for the overnight camp, full on day at work(5 classes plus yard duty), then off to camp(i was in charge of the year 9 bus-straight off the bus to the camp and then on duty til 8pm. then decided to go for a walk til midnight(13.7km) then off to bed til 4.50 am and back on duty 5am -8am then decided to walk with the boys, so did a 20 km loop(with some running downhills-not much tho) tehn did an 8.6km loop with katrina..then was pretty sore- then some hanging around, then back on the bus(no sleep as i had to manage a boy who was feeling sick) then a 45 min drive
OMG-to say i was tired is the biggest understatement on the face of the earth!!!! had texted stu to say dont wait for me-go out to dinner with the people he had over(as i was planing on then NOT going at all-having a wine/relax and snooze

nope he refused to go , refused to let me just drop them off and i was informed that i had to drive.(the others wouldve just got take away as they are very helpful :) anyway dinner was nice but i was oh so tired

still tired today -just had a massage -still extremely sore

hows this-i was rostered on duty 5-8pm and 5-8am with sleep designated bw 9am and 5am right! ok i didnt resalise that meant i HAD to sleep at that time(which is why i went for the walk.

when i got up for my 5am shift-the guy has gone to me i wouldnt have let you go for a walk-you were supposed to be sleeping..initially i thought he was joking..but then he said ...maybe we wont invite you back...i was flabbergasted-the other teachers were looking at him going ...what the?????
anyway my retort(which was nicer than it shouldve been at 5am) was ..."im not FOUR! i cant sleep at 9pm!!!!!! " lol anyway i didnt realise that i wasnt supposed to walk- i thought as an adult i could decided what time i could go to be...i spoke with katrina(who was in charge-who said ''well youre no help to us if your dead on yuor feet(which i agree with-but as i said to her, its only 1 hour less sleep than i USUALLY get and i was the most alert person on the shift... apparently when the roster was made i shouldve told her to put me down to sleep from 12-5( yeah like im gonna do that-then they will just give me extra shifts

anyway- it was a great hike-the kids raised $20,000 which goes to oxfam, the leaders made 130kms which is awesome, 12 of the boys made over 100km in the 24 hours
i did 44kms as a non hiker and arent i feeling


Anonymous said...

Oh I feel your pain Jo. That's how I feel most weekends after we've done our Trailwalker training!

Lots of tender loving care needed by your Man (and wine and choccy!)

Ewen said...

Well done on raising so much money. I think it was easier before they invented torches - you went to bed when it got dark and woke up when it became light.

Anonymous said...

Ah, it was probably just some OH&S thing, that's the nanny state for you, you don't know what is good for you, someone else has to tell you!

Great job raising all that cash though :-)