Tuesday, March 10, 2009

..an easy session

an easy session///woohoo.. well i may not have found it so easy a few months ago, but it was relatively easy
1.8km warm up, 500m drills 400m strides, 6x200 @ 42s with 100m walk and 100m float and 1.8km cool down so approx 7km

actual pacing- one 40s, 3 lots of 39-39.5 s and 2 x 38.5 sec.. was pretty happy wiht how easy they felt-i still had to work a little(mainly 60-90 m) then kinda floated

super duper amount of hwk tonight so gotta go... parent teacher night tomorrow night...hectic week this week-its just insane

ciao bellas :)

1 comment:

Ewen said...

I'm stunned. Did you promise Stu dessert or something?