Sunday, May 23, 2010

tough weekend wouldnt think you could have a tough weekend. everyone loves a weekend
well.. friday night was one fo the worst sleeps i have had in some time. barney(my back) was causing me serious grief. very unpleasant. to the point where i cancelled my run with Em and didnt even go to cross country for school. i could NOT face the drive. popped some naprosyn 750mg anti inflamms and then went to the chemist and bought a hard core back brace(which has helpled. i also did a water run and a swim which helped a bit.

then today i went for a run. yes my back is a little sore still. anyway 9.25km with one toilet stop.OMG i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unfit. i was struggling with it from about5kms on. Then off for a massage. that was one hell of a pain session. my glutes,calves and itbs were pretty hideous.
anyway im getting back there i suppose. i will be a mess at sandown-and that will be running about 50mins!


Em said...

Sorry your back flared up, was looking forward to a run with you, it's been a while, but I totally understand.

My back was sore after standing around marshaling for a couple of hours, it would have been awful for you, you did the right thing.

Andrew(ajh) said...

It is amazing how fast you can lose your specific fitness isn't it ... but it does come back quickly. I hope your back start behaving a little better soon!