Friday, May 21, 2010

..a proper training set-almost

well it was much more like a real set, but reduced
i did 4.3kms sloooooowly with the last boy(im not allowed to go past teh last boy..ughghghgh 6.09 pace,
anyway then off to home to get a PROPER running bra before a proper session with some speed-bit dim in the morning sometimes!
anyway the plan was 400 on 200 jog 400 on 200 +jog(the others did another 400 each set) each rep set ended up being 1.5km
pacing was all over the shop-havent paced for a while
just teh 400 paces
2min rest
2min rest
so happy with that. getting there.yes normlly i would do that set a bit faster but hey im not completely bck yet.getting close to being able to push off with the right foot and soon i may even be able to get onto my toes(not yet :(
was sooooooooooooooooooo tired after it though. after no real training sessions for a while, i feel like a newbie-fitness wise. so unfit, comparative to where i would have been. yes i know im still fitter than most of the plebs on the street
happy enough i suppose. it is very hard being so far behind this time last year though. suck it up jo-at least youre back running now, i know i know, im just a precious little princess
looking forward to meeting miss Em for a run tomorrow 15min easy 10min at 4.40pace 15 mins easy and then we will round it out til 8kms. then im on duty for school until about 2pm.will be tuckered out little jojo
have the boys this weekend :)

1 comment:

MorseyRuns said...

Hmmm, maybe you shouldn't run faster than that without a proper bra!