Wednesday, May 19, 2010

...tuckered out miss jo

so after my long run on sunday, pulled up pretty well and took a rest day on monday. HAd physio on monday anyway so it seemed right. The physio still thinks its thicker than it should be but she is pretty happy. although sh asked me to do a big hop which i couoldnt.. so im still trying to get to that stage.
havent been able to push off when runnning either yet :(
..still tender when i was training yesterday but not bad. it warmed up a bit
anyway did 3min on,3min jog,2min on,2min off,1min on, 1 min off,30s on,30s off and repeat
-was going around in approx 104s laps.
it wont take too long to get my fitness back-when i can push off, im sure i will get faster

no running today(little tender) and have decided to have a rest day, no wind trainer either as my achilles feels it a bit
anyway did some squats, lunges, one legged squats and calf raises for my achilles(2 legged and one legged) ones
im on the way but it is going to be a long drawn out process. dont expect anything under 48 at sandown


MorseyRuns said...

Wow- I am impressed you have healed enough to even run at Sandown. Nice one Jo, now get out there and practise that hopping!

Ewen said...

OK then Miss Jo. I'll bet on 48:01.