Thursday, May 6, 2010

..getting there

..well its kind of a run isnt up 27mins of joggin, lbeit very slowly.the achilles is still quite tight
then off to the trck where i did a a 30min BIKE session, 5mins on- 2mins off

ughghghgh just want to get back to real running

and pparently my blood pressure is a bit too high? anyway, im stopping with the anti inflamms, it does say dont tke if high blood pressure


MorseyRuns said...

Not long till you will be back now- I am amazed how quickly you are back to running. I take the anti inflams and I have high BP - as long as you chat to the doc about it shouldn't be a drama.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Slow and steady will get you back faster in the end!

Ewen said...

Yeah, that's getting there. Lay off the salt and ask Stu to be less demanding and the blood pressure should come down ;)

With the achilles, be sure the top of the heel counter is very soft (no rubbing), and the shoes are flexible (you can bend them in half easily).