Saturday, March 20, 2010

running well

woke up feeling good today, leggies were happy(a little tight in the achilles but its been like that for a week, no worries
1500 was the first race up. previously as an adult have only gone sub 5.40 twice and that was the previous 2 1500m races. anyway 3 in my age but we were racing against lots of others. anyway 5.36 two weeks ago so anything under that would be fine. the first girl was too fast for me so i let her go and sat on the back of the 2nd girl(not worried about times, just racing) anyway did of course check times, fast first 400, then 2.56 fr the first 800(thought it may have been afster as i felt like i was working), then i noticed the next 200 was slightly off, but still sat behind the 2nd till the 1200 where it was 4.06 (which is what i went through for the 1200 last time) so i decide to take off..i um ran an 83 sec last lap and ran 5.29.52 HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE 7s adult pb and came 2nd- only 1s away from my junior burger time which i didnt even consider as a spossibility of beating ever! now it is in the goals!!!!

..then i noticed how bad my achilles was. wsntvery happy with it. anyway had a rest(was limping bit) went for an extended warm up, couldnt really put the foot down properly(couldnt get up on the toes), so was a bit concerned, but figured its only a 400.

Anyway, 2 girls in my age group, she was on my outside so i decided i would try and stick with her(ive never beaten her) was doing well at 200-same distance apart, still a bit behind after the 300 and started working really hard into a slight breeze-almost got to her she kicked alittle drew level again and just got her before the line. It must have been a good race, because i had a few people id never met come and speak to me about it. achilles held up during the race, limping a LOT afterwards. have iced, had an icebath and put the 'tens machine' on it.
ohhhh did you want to know the time...well i have run under 69 s so far this season(all been too close to the 1500) nd my previous pb was 66.26, i ummmmm ran 65.1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG that is a huge pb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway i dont think im ever going to get stu to focus ont eh 400, cos we focussed ont eh 15/8 this year and pb'd the 15 and 4!

tired tired, wondering if stu would let me have a piccolo of champers?

anyway ciao bandidos and bandido-ettes


Em said...

BLOODY BRILLIANT racing today matey, really fantastic. I timed your 1500 and was jumping up and down by myself because I was so sure you crossed the line under 5:30!!

Congrats :-)

Ewen said...

5.29.52 and 65.1!! Yes, you forced me to use two exclamation marks.

Awesome racing bandido-ette. Hope you gave the coach a pat on the back. A 2:30 800 is there for sure - I mean, 75 is crawling for a 65 400 runner!