Sunday, March 28, 2010

...maybe a name change is in order

my pseudonym of runjanerun perhaps should be changed to swimjaneswim.... sigh
..a water run today :( 35 mins but i feel quite fit and strong at the moment.and it did give me a chance to think through each of my races.
IF my achille comes good for the race,(and no gle force winds, im fairly confident of breaking my time when i was 11 in the 800, my all time pb in the 15 was when i was 12(+3months) and i ran 5.28.0 i may get to have a crack at that after all..thought it was well outta reach but who knows........
dont think i can run faster than the 65.1 in the 400 though!

anyway, the order is- nd the 8 first is a god send, thats the ONLY one i didnt make my goal for the year!(and its y pte event)
what i have decided though is even if i dont crack the 2.34.1 in perth for whatever reason, i am VERY confident that IT will get done next year if not this! and it HAS already been a succesful season(more than I EVEN expected and im a hard task master!)


Andrew(ajh) said...

It certainly has been a wonderful season for you!

Ewen said...

You can get both the 8 and the 15 all-time if the achilles stays in one piece. Maybe drop the 4. Good luck!