Sunday, January 3, 2010

...oops shoulda made that resolution

..gee resolutions really do work, this time last year i made a resolution to NOT fall over...
Well i kinda didnt make it this year and yep, 3 days in SPLAT!
went out with gfs last night and cant believe how much wine we then up ready for teh 75min run........
drove to the YY and then set off for what had been decided the first 60mins would be tough-it was very very hilly, walked a bit ran a bit..the downhills were super tough on the back, i was trying to stabilise my core as strongly as possible, then finished the first section 57mins 9.4kms
-the stu and D went off for their next 35min jaunt(so they could go a bit faster) meanwhile i thought i would meander around..OMG my legs were sooo tired, i had to walk the end of a VERY small hill(well its not that small but ive never walked it before) back into a trail and obviously not paying attention, thudded onto the ground. my usual falling tech nique is to tuck the shoulder in and try to roll, but there was no rolling happening. Instead i stuck the arm out and just hit it...elbow is quite bruised, a hit the upper outer thigh pretty firmly(its alittle bruised) but the grazed hand is quite sore really, been stinging a LOT..yep fun shower, yep fun putting betadeine on it- but i have to be super careful bc we all know i am very prone to cellulitis. ill be surprised if it doesnt get infected, was quite dirty and it was a few hours before i could get the betadein on it
..i told you stu was trying to kill me..he ran me to exhaustion and i toppled i think there was a stump or something
no detox yet- we have the boys and its not exactly promoting healthy eating when you only have
juice for 2 days so will wait til friday
anyway let me state this new years resolution includes not falling over again!!!
well done to Em on a great effort at two Em when you read the forum, you'll note that im not doing hills this weekend at YY.if youre still keen to come let me know


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Em said...

I am tossing up between a 10km race at Princes Park or the Youies, will see how my leggies are feeling later this week and let you know.

Ouchie on the fall! maybe you need to carry some antiseptic wipes with you when you run, I keep some in the first aid kit in my car.

Ewen said...

Yes, I totally agree. It was all Stu's fault for running you to exhaustion.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Ouch ... you are a duffer ... hope it feels better soon.