Saturday, January 9, 2010 where did i put it

my purse that is...long time readers will know i have an insane talent for losing things (especially my purse) ive always been pretty lucky, twice at highpoint i got called over the loudspeaker to come and collect...(and i wont even go into the number of times drunk i have lost it!!!)

anyway, at highpoint seeing the movie about the dead girl(which was reasonably good0 thinking we were going to get a free movie, one of my students gave me a $30 village voucher so we go up, slide it under the counter.....errr sorry we're hoyts not village...... d'oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then i demolished a bucket of popcorn(left a tiny bit in the bottom so i can t be accused of eating the whole
...but rewind to ummmm 10mins before the movie(i thought i was being a real SAVER(was already congratulating myself about this feat) by going to safeway and buying water there instead of at the movies)..went to a couple of shops, health food place, priceline,am 10m away from the movies..and i have that moment of
...hitting my pockets to see if my purse would fit into my pockets,,, then stu.... do you know where my wallet is???????
...sigh.... no mustve left it somewhere(and i believe there was some significant eyerolling...deserved tho im in a TIZZ going which shop, safeway, priceline, or the nutrition shop, not at PL, go to the nutrition shop and hte counter lady has my purse opened(looking for a way to contact me) and ive gone..OMG theres my purse was quite funny... she's like Im sorry it must be weird someone going thru your purse,,,, no not at all...i know you were looking for ID ...anyway i got it back...YAY all in one piece
...AND stu didnt even give me a lecture...he looked like he was gunna and i came out with the old quip "all's well that ends well" hehe not much you can say to them apples ;)

oh yeah 40min water run with 3 x 4min efforts with 2min recv.... put a bandaid on my , still unhealed and scabby hand' that lasted one stupid lap... d'oh, so the wound got very wet and crinkly and is trying to scab up properly again..

plan for tomorrow-no falling over jojo

and now i think its plenty time for miss j to have a champers

see ya later alligators and alligatorettes..hehe i do make myself laugh


Anonymous said...
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Andrew(ajh) said...

Maybe you need one of those wallets you attach with a chain!

MorseyRuns said...

I lost my camera for two days- despite searching the car several times I found it under the seat this morning. We have a saying "fail to search is fail to find". I misplace things often, but I haven't lost much.......

Ewen said...

That's where alligators have it over alligatorettes - no purse or handbag to lose ;)

So did you like the movie? We saw Avatar in 3D yesterday - pretty amazing.