Sunday, January 17, 2010

..not surprisingly the hammies are feeling hte effects of the flat out reps(last 2) from yesterday.
70min run on the flat today. 50-65min mark, was feeling pretty damn tired but apart from that, it was fi ne-heavy legs but to be expected.
as the day has worn on though, the right hammy has got more and more sore.hoping it is just a niggle and will feel better tomorrow

had a full body massage-not like a normal one though, it was one of those chinese places so head/shoulders/neck/face, then back, legs werent given much attention-they were given some, and the arm massage was interesting, it certainly hurt in places, and they do the palms etc.

Not something i would do every week. am looking at getting a prettu intense leg massage on friday


Ewen said...

What are you talking about Em? That was a perfectly understandable blog post!

Nice long run Jojo - esp after those killer 150s yesterday. I'd need to fall off a cliff to break 25.

Andrew(ajh) said...

The hammies is one area I rarely have any issues with .... maybe because I don't go as quick as you!

jojo said...

was there a comment from Em? i didnt delete if there was?????

Ewen said...

No, the comment was on HER last blog post. She's never lost in translation.