Thursday, January 7, 2010

..gotta love 'knowing someone' with our latest water disaster :( we 'know' a plumber(stu used to train his kid for a couple years) he came over and spent probs houor and a half(plus talking) starting to fix our issue...
its scary seeing your tile crumble onto the ground as it is smashed with the hammer...but cant i just put my head in the sand and go 'la la la la la la la' hmmmmm apparently NOT
-APPARENTLY that is being an adult..i HATE being an adult sometimes. i want to stamp my foot and swear and be in a bad mood about it(well i guess its called a tanty-not unlike the one K had at the track the other day....LOL
-anyway YADA YADA YADA,,,nlah blah blah(well thats what i heard anyway...hehe, have you seen that simpsons episode? you would know if you had,...gee im HIGHBROW TODAY am I not?
we have a hole in the wall, but we think he may have fixed it but we wont know fully for a week-oh and our lovely freind who REFUSED to charge us also fixed the pressure in the other bathroom-woohoo
-then off to the track where i tried VERY freaking hard NOT to punch stu when 3 times he made me reverse because i wasnt 'in the lines enough' ummmmmm there are 300 freaking! carparks and nowhere near that many people coming...i reckon if you are a points demon, lose your licence and your gf has to drive you everywhere for the next 6months, you kinda should suck up the 'this is how you should be driving' comments...... again a tanty looked good at this time, but i refrained...just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

proposed set 6x300s at 800 pace so around 58-60 was the goal. The first 120 into a bit of a headwind... and yes i did query this but to no avail!
i also did NOT get sucked into the racing game that my usual training buddies did, and my they paid hte price in hte last few reps. They were 10m ahead of me and i hit my times EVERY time and behind me in the last couple
anyway 2 lots of 57.9x and the rest were 58.x so considering how tired my legs were(my strides were ridiculous) and a few wobbly leg moments, i trained very solidly. it did even put me in a better mood.well i believe the scowl had lifeted
-then home and stu made restitution and got back into the good books by cooking my bro and sis in law a great roast chicken roll dinner, yumbellina
- a few wines, and now browsing the computer.
I think i might run a good 800 later this month! im training at least as fast as the end of last year and i have literally run 13/14 days and my legs are DEAD. rest day tomorrow
ciao monsieurs et mademoiselles, a bientot


Em said...

On Xmas Eve parking outside a pizza place a certain Em cracked it, chucked the keys at someone else and said something along the lines of "if you are so brilliant park it your f$@king self" LOL

So you are not alone.

And I agree, if one looses ones licence one can shut the hell up, double LOL

jojo said...

love it EM!!!!!!

Ewen said...

I've thought of a great way for you to floor Stu. One day do the whole session he sets with no questioning, tantys or eye-rolling and when it's over just say "that was easy" and walk away.

P.S. 5:54 15 for me, so I need to find 15 seconds. Maybe some speedwork will do it?

jojo said...

yep, speedwork is the key.. but im hoping to go sub 5.40 next week