Saturday, May 29, 2010

sandown 10km -and a good guess by ewen

well i typed a post and lost it.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

anyway i ran as well as could be expected today, so im relatively happy(without being ecstatic-way slower than last year but good considering)
I had NO idea if the achilles would hold up-i havent even run 10kms without stopping yet-the closest i have been is 10kms last week with 2 stretching stops at 5.40 pace..and my longest rep has been 600s(max of 5)
anyway no idea of time so was thinking of maybe?????? going out at 4,40 pace and seeing how it went-during the warm up, i wasnt even sure if i would be able to do 5 min kms- 5.50kms seemed kinda hard
anyway here are the splits-
4.36, 4.41, 4.35, 4.48(hill), 4.45, 4.42, 4.43, 4.45, 4.44, 4.39 and the last bit(cos i run a little wide) 4.38 for a total of 47.23
Well done a s predictor ewen-within 6 s over 10kms is impressive

am i happy? well its hrd to be hppy with time that is 3mins slower than last year, but i am kinda happy. I ran at least as fast or faster thn i expected.
did i enjoy it- NO- the achilles hurt the last 3 kms and i am NOT, NOT i repeat, fit enough to race 10km
nd Em, i decide on the wine rather than the anti inflamms..LOL- the ice was an anti inflamm though(and yes it was on my achilles not IN my drink.....he

I am not quite 'BACK" yet but i m well on the way. was quite happy to hear that Em half in spet coincides with me so we can strart together which will be nice

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

..trained well, getting closer

..getting closer to getting back to normal.nearly nearly pushing off on the right foot. a week i reckon
anyway trained well tonight.. it was going to be 2x600,3x800,2x600 (a big set for someone just returning)
fter the first rep, i knew that it would be too much, so i told stu and he let me go to 6x600- all between 2.21 and 2.23(so just under 4min/km pace)- standing recovery and pretty happy with this really. shouldnt be too long before im training properly. haredst set ive done since returning and none too shabby a pace either :)
maybe i will go under 50mins this saturday after all
busy at work, sick of some people being unprofessional, and quite frankly it is p-ing me off. im super conchy little nerdburger i know, but you know when other people are relying on you, get you stuff done.
have fun

Monday, May 24, 2010

.a much better day

i wore my new massive back brace all day today, which really makes me feel like a fatty boombah(muffin top galore)
anyway it does help a lot.. lol..altho one of the boys dropped something off his desk and asked me to pick it up, ive looked atr him and gone 'sorry but i cant really bend well today' lol-he understood as the year 12s know i have a dodgy back
then off to the physio where it was lots of good news about achilles. she was happy and says i can start increasing kms but easy on the speed work given i still cant completely push off my foot. i can hop a little bit which is a pleasing sign
-after next week it may even be fortnightly at the physio so i will still go weekly one week for my back, the next for my achilles until better
so some good news and not a day of complete pain(thats always nice) :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

tough weekend wouldnt think you could have a tough weekend. everyone loves a weekend
well.. friday night was one fo the worst sleeps i have had in some time. barney(my back) was causing me serious grief. very unpleasant. to the point where i cancelled my run with Em and didnt even go to cross country for school. i could NOT face the drive. popped some naprosyn 750mg anti inflamms and then went to the chemist and bought a hard core back brace(which has helpled. i also did a water run and a swim which helped a bit.

then today i went for a run. yes my back is a little sore still. anyway 9.25km with one toilet stop.OMG i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unfit. i was struggling with it from about5kms on. Then off for a massage. that was one hell of a pain session. my glutes,calves and itbs were pretty hideous.
anyway im getting back there i suppose. i will be a mess at sandown-and that will be running about 50mins!

Friday, May 21, 2010

..a proper training set-almost

well it was much more like a real set, but reduced
i did 4.3kms sloooooowly with the last boy(im not allowed to go past teh last boy..ughghghgh 6.09 pace,
anyway then off to home to get a PROPER running bra before a proper session with some speed-bit dim in the morning sometimes!
anyway the plan was 400 on 200 jog 400 on 200 +jog(the others did another 400 each set) each rep set ended up being 1.5km
pacing was all over the shop-havent paced for a while
just teh 400 paces
2min rest
2min rest
so happy with that. getting there.yes normlly i would do that set a bit faster but hey im not completely bck yet.getting close to being able to push off with the right foot and soon i may even be able to get onto my toes(not yet :(
was sooooooooooooooooooo tired after it though. after no real training sessions for a while, i feel like a newbie-fitness wise. so unfit, comparative to where i would have been. yes i know im still fitter than most of the plebs on the street
happy enough i suppose. it is very hard being so far behind this time last year though. suck it up jo-at least youre back running now, i know i know, im just a precious little princess
looking forward to meeting miss Em for a run tomorrow 15min easy 10min at 4.40pace 15 mins easy and then we will round it out til 8kms. then im on duty for school until about 2pm.will be tuckered out little jojo
have the boys this weekend :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

...tuckered out miss jo

so after my long run on sunday, pulled up pretty well and took a rest day on monday. HAd physio on monday anyway so it seemed right. The physio still thinks its thicker than it should be but she is pretty happy. although sh asked me to do a big hop which i couoldnt.. so im still trying to get to that stage.
havent been able to push off when runnning either yet :(
..still tender when i was training yesterday but not bad. it warmed up a bit
anyway did 3min on,3min jog,2min on,2min off,1min on, 1 min off,30s on,30s off and repeat
-was going around in approx 104s laps.
it wont take too long to get my fitness back-when i can push off, im sure i will get faster

no running today(little tender) and have decided to have a rest day, no wind trainer either as my achilles feels it a bit
anyway did some squats, lunges, one legged squats and calf raises for my achilles(2 legged and one legged) ones
im on the way but it is going to be a long drawn out process. dont expect anything under 48 at sandown

Sunday, May 16, 2010

..a hangover and lots of running

..yep had friends over for dinner and im not one for moderation it seems..a few too many wines... oopsies, it was fun though
then drove stu to bacchus march and went for a walk run. 5kms of running...very very slowly, didnt feel good, achilles was a little tight first few kms and i was a bit hungover. pulled the pin at 5kms and went and got a coke zero(and a staemed dim sim) and then someone i was supposed to be running with turned up so i said i would take her for her 3min on,2min off run. instead i made her do 5mins on, 2mins off so she ran 23mins which is pretty good. and i felt HEAPS better in that run-yep even the dim sim didnt make me feel sick! so 9kms all up which is a lot of running for this little tacker(16kms this weekend woohoo)
will tke it VERY easy tomorrow and may jump on the wind trainer. ps will bring it for you at sandown Em, if thats cool?
anyway still cant push off the right leg properly. hd a massage this afternoon. very tight in the ITB
but a happy miss jojo
hve a nice night pipettes(and pips of course)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

woohoo a REAL run

okey dokey, ack from camp. it was okay!
i even havent had coke zero since tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(im a bit of an addict usually)
managed to pop out for a run/walk on the thursday over some undulating(small hills but constant) terrain. achilles held up well, still cant push off and very flat footed but well thats how it is at the mo
so the run on thursday was 50mins which had a 7min walk to start then 35 mins of which 31 ws running interpsersed with a little bit of running, then walk the rest)
then home friday-yay
today work in the morning then stu,daid and i set off for a run 7kms in just under 40mins.thats even a REAL run. woohoo achilles was tight initially but thts also bc the ground underfoot was quite soft

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


okay so ive never been very good at listening o advice
i decided i needed to take a little shot at running a tad faster so i did. i did check with my friend who is a physio and she did say if i intend to run at sandown she thinks giving it a go in a safe controlled environment is the way to go
anyway did 3x200s at approx 50-52s(still doing a mid foot strike-cant quite push off properly) with jog recovery, then a break, then the same thing again(joined in with stu's group) then decided to gove 400 a crack so did a controlled 400 in 104s, could feel that my legs/achilles started to fatigue at 370m then jogged back and did last 100 with stu and hte group. did 1 more 400 with them in 98s, then even though i didnt want to i stopped. then i joined one of themums for a 3min jog/2min walk x3, plus 3 lap warm up so a good workout altogether
fingers crossed that the achillles plays lnice.
it does give me some confidence that once i cn get up on my toes at all my pace will come back nice and quickly :)
anyway about to ice and do all that stuff :)
just for you ewen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

..happy with that advice

..yep went to the physio today
where was i up to- 27mins running on thursday nd then about 20mins jogging(interspersed withwalking) and hten i backed up today and ran 30mins, no walk breaks just stretch break

physio VERY happy with me-especially since i can now do one legged calf raises, apparently the right achilles is a bit thicker than she would like, but since i did 4 days running this week she is pretty amazed at how it is coming along
..although you should have seen the LOOK she gave me when i asked about speedwork
J: SO WHEN can i do some speedwork
s:(the look) at least 2 weeks
j: wht about next week
s: hmmmmm
j:i dont mean speed speed work, i mean 10km race pace
s:hmmmm maybe -lets see how it is next monday
j: okay
and toodled off happy enough. was a little tender to touch, but feeling quite positive

off to camp on wednesday

Thursday, May 6, 2010

..getting there

..well its kind of a run isnt up 27mins of joggin, lbeit very slowly.the achilles is still quite tight
then off to the trck where i did a a 30min BIKE session, 5mins on- 2mins off

ughghghgh just want to get back to real running

and pparently my blood pressure is a bit too high? anyway, im stopping with the anti inflamms, it does say dont tke if high blood pressure

Sunday, May 2, 2010

miss jo and stu play catch

yeppers, you did read that correctly
part of my rehab for my achilles is to play catch. i wanted to buy a medicine ball today but had to put up with a soccer ball. anyway, you stand one legged and have to catch.its a lot harder than i thought. i asked if i could do it against a wall but apparently too predictable, so now stu has to particpate. try it, its quite fun

anyway today went to the YY for a run! (of sorts of course) the plan was 15 mins on off . i kinda lost count so i know i did at least 16mins probably 18??? anyway ot has pulle up pretty well. a little tender if i touch it but apart from that cant tell. wouldve happily run further and had a more natural foot strike today as well... yay
parent teacher night(4th and final for a while) tomorrow night...boooooooo lol
much better mood today(i wonder if that is linked to me having a run today?) hmmmmm

anyway i will get back -patience is a virtue, i know i know, im not really a VERY patient person though is the problem-
stu and i are contemplating maybe a half mara pb is the goal for the season, im not doing the pan pacs now so i dont have to be runnning fast in the first half of the summer season, so training for the half may be conducive to good 800 and 1500 later in the season
my half pb(the first year i ever did it) is only 1.43 so i reckon i could take that! that was my first ever half and i didnt even really train for it-just did it at the end of the winter season

anyway gotta have a goal

Saturday, May 1, 2010

1st round XCR

-yep missed it 3 times outa 4. its very hard to stand on the sidelines.anyway plththththht

good runs by so many which was nice to see. to say i was jealous is an understatement

stu ran 90s faster than last year so he should be looking at a good season, yay!

enough frm me, im tired and still not completely out of yesterdays to-ing and fro-ing between rational and irrational