yep yep
does any more really need to be said
i have to say- i was ON FIRE tody-running REALLY well.super happy with how i was going, yes maybe a tad too hard early but felt good, USED the downhill to advantage-and im usually a nanna on downhill, i even overtook someone! did a bit of walking though in the hills. got past 10kms and was about 53ish mins with a mega hill but with a hard part to go. but KNEW i was goi ng to SMASH 90 mins(aimed for about that)
toodling along nicely- before kapow, shezamm im on the floor, landed on both knees
of course i have a little panic.2 years ago-a TERRIBLE case of cellutlitis- but at elast i can keep running this time but HAVE doen BOTH knees. very sore, was walking quite a bit, getting a bit, well how am i going to finish, i need to wash myself so i dont get cellulitis :(
someone runs past-im standing there not even running
'have you got any water
nope-are you okay
yeah, theres an aid station soon and then a bit of jogging and a fair amount of walking
a lot more ppl ask as you would expect, then FINALLY finally get to the aid station but they really werent much CHOP
heres some wet paper towel.. ummm that kinda leaves fibres on me. can i just have water.trying to get rid of some of the crap- it is very very dirty. then they have gone
'do you want some wet wipes'
err no, do you have a bandage(meaning gauze of some descript)
and they bring out one of those stretchy OUTSIDE bandages(OMG can you imagine trying to get that F%$#er off-good lord!!!)
err no no no no- just water
'do you want us to get a lift back'
'no that all right, ill run' (its gonna be 2.5km)
'it's 2,5kms you know"
"yes its ONLY 2.5kms so i will be able to run, they do have a full first aid stattion there yeah(they had told me they didnt really have much)
i had been there a whilewhich i was kind spewing about. then ran back-ouchies but moved along, but couldnt put any pressure on the knees up the hill(as one might expect) so walked(probs woulda anyway!)
finished in 91mins so not too bad, disappointed to be beaten by someone in my club who i was ahead, silly i know, but i HAD put in the work and was minutes ahead :(
hoping the knee does not get infected, am alreay on teh anti cellulitis meds. stinging like hell really
-do i feel sorry for myself..not net but if it gets infected and i cant run for weeks, then YES
oh and the chemist is looking at my knees going-its still dirty you need to scrub it with a rish(i did do this with my hands, but umm one part of my knee is at least .5cm deep, i CANNOT scrub it- i felt like crying here cos i knew..... anyway after consultation we decide to send me to the dr
who was a SHMA- he gave it a little clean, and when ive gone arent you going to clean it all?
no it will be too painful
err,not running for four weeks cos it gets infected will be more painful
anyway- theyre all like you need some serious painkillers and i was given codeine. dont get me wrong-it stings and is pretty damn shit right now,(and i may need them tomorrow) but surely people need to try to tolerate a bit of pain
anyway sorry about the graphic photos
dont look if you are squeamish-and the first one is right leg, then left leg-right feels worse