Monday, September 22, 2008

...the WET kind of running

..snore central..a pool run 10mins normal..then ten minutes tempo(was pushing pretty hard-noticed my breathing) then 10mins normal
..then stu had instructed me to swim at least 250m...funny thing is today-i was actually swimming ok-albeit terribly slowly so i swam 500m... so relatively happy with that
..then my physio exercises,glute stretches hipflexor stretch hammy stretch and then rolled around on the tennis ball making all sorts of groaning noises..i wont repeat the comment that stu made during this!!!!! that tennis ball hurts HELL

when stu got home he wanted to go for an hour run so i went on a slow bike ride-although when i commented that it felt like i was sitting on the couch-stu decided to take a short cut through the (and my errrr kinda butt are a bit so soft! )
..and then a surprise call from michelle and her date :) and we all went out to Vietnamese in werribee....LOVELY-but the naughty girl would not even let me pay...i insisted and then noticed this morning that she had put money into my wallet..smack on the bum for her..and then a few drinkies back at my house


Anonymous said...

Sounded like you all had a good time at the Vietnamese place.

I have tennis balls everywhere. One in the car, one at work and one at home.

If you want even more pain, try a golf ball!!!

Ewen said...

Your system sounds fairer - ave km pace for each distance to split a tie. The 8 will be interesting - I think I can get into the 2:35-40 range, so if you're not on your game... !

Andrew(ajh) said...

Are you enjoying the swimming?