Tuesday, September 9, 2008

..matter of fact

.sport doctor appointment today
.back so tight she said within minutes-i want to do dry needling- it is going to hurt in the back!(yay)and yeah it did..
..MRI etc wil probs have arthritis in back as get older :( back is crap it s along term management-some degeneration
core strength is shit
disc bulge at L4/L5 is the dodgy one, (the other one is not as bad
-facet irritation at same place
-apparently supposed to be some fluid between there- i have NONE
errrr other stuff as well
-some sacro iliac issue in the right side
-NO speedwork or hills for 4 weeks
-2 session a week with a physio pilates person
-then reassess-shes not taking me off complete running YET(her words)
-no point doing an injection YET- too much else going on and it will just revert immediately
-need some serous physio to mobilise-too tight at the moment for pilates to even be helpful
-tan relays not looking great-will be able to cruise -racing not looking likely :(

-bit upset really-looking for some sand to go and ostrich in
-at least im not faking it i guess :(


Andrew(ajh) said...

Do they think that increasing the core strength can make a big diff? That might need to be the focus?

Stu Mac said...

Core strength will be so important during the summer, form form & more form al comes from great core strength.

Whilst I know there is disappointment, this is not a bad time to take a small spell and get the ack in a better way and then let T&F come your way.

Anonymous said...

Ouch, dry needling, I am a DN veteran now, at least if it is in the back you can't see the needles going in and the more it hurts the tighter the muscles were.

Now the way I read it she has broken down your issues into manageable components, it's kind of like tetris really. All the little pieces will have to fit together a certain way to get you as right as possible. It does not seem that your doctor in the past has tried that, especially as she is looking at an injection as an in the future solution not a right now solution.

Get stuck into that core stuff, I am sure your physio will be able to recommened exercises that you can do that won't aggravate your injury.

I know I am one to talk but patience now will pay off in the future and at least she is still letting you run.

Chin up honey, you are just at the start of the journey, it always seems like a long way when you set off.

Anonymous said...

jo .... I know it all sucks and I feel for you (I have similar back issues from time to time and have neglected core work - like not done any) but look at it long term ...

take care

Eat Em

Celeste said...

Oh Jo, I had no idea.

My biggest excuse is the moment is that I am lazy. I will appreciate what I do have.

I've heard of dry needling but have been too scared to learn more about it.

Ewen said...

No speedwork! Argh!

Stu's onto it. Hammer the core strength stuff - no harm in doing something every day - there are heaps of different exercises.

At least the track season is long :)