Thursday, September 18, 2008

..of course ..a medical practictioner or two!

well it wouldnt be a normal day otherwise if i didnt see a medical practitioner now,would it! err a little bit over it at the trying to not be a whingy la la- but feeling a bit well you can probably guess

9am for physio manipulation and the differential on my back(from aunt) then staright to opsm for sports physio to go through the pilates with me. well first of all we did an ultra sound so i could watch my TA and pelvic floor(they lift up nicely) but the TA is also using the large oblique muscle to assist which is a small no-no but she was pretty happy

then onto a machine which is kinda like doing squats in a lying position, then one legged squats(same machine) then calf lifts and a few to thers whilst concentrating really hard on TA and pelvic floor and not dropping the hips..then shown some stretches to do after every run and rolling on a tennis ball

then a quick 30min run in the pool :( im not whinging so im JUST NOT going to say anything more about it

then my bro came over to mow my lawns-but he broke the mower so its a quarter they gave me a lovely photo with lotsa photos of family-i cried a angel nieces are too cute for words

...back is feeling better than a coupla days ago..

..loving living in my new place..with my ever so lovely bf

stu's friends(and mine now too :) ) coming over tomorrow so have to get the place into some sort of order lol


Andrew(ajh) said...

I wish my brother would come over and mow the lawn, at least then Adrienne wouldn't have to do it :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, with pilates it is all happening on the inside isn't it! My instructor used to tell us to pretend we were trying not to wet our pants.

CU tomorrow, running for a mens team though so sadly no crossing the line together this year :-)