Saturday, April 17, 2010


...ughghghghgh cnt even remember where i got up to!
anyway physio on friday-yeah she's happy with me, but says i cant even begin the slow running for 2 weeks.

2 weeks? i said to her.................... how come the achilles takes so long?????????? then stupid answer which i know is correct...ughghghghhgh
but im frickn antsy and ready to run(well im not ready yet but will be in a week,
also when she said 1st of May, ive gone how much per week. what she said was ludicrously minimal...i think shes being a tad too wail of but you said we would work towards the 10km rce in MAyb, yes you should be able to run 10km ...errr i mean to RACE lady ......
not happy because
a) stu will hold me accountable to her advice and i am unable to lie
b) if i hadnt gone to the stupid physio i wouldve decided that i could run at the end of next week
c) and seriously, im sick of the stupid pool and riding(it hurts)
d) really im not happy about the impact on my cross country

so im on a tendon rehabilitation program,,,booooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnggggg
oh and in 4 weeks ill be adamn hippo, even tho ive been trying to watch wht i eat

60min water run today.i think the reason im a bit grumpy is that i wouldve been on my break btw seasons til tody, so tomorrow is when the disruption to my season kicks in.....
have i mentioned that im not talking to my stupid achilles, we are doing a mexican stand off at the moment


Andrew(ajh) said...

When you said that riding hurts, what did you mean? If riding is hurting your achilles, maybe you shouldn't be doing it either?

Ewen said...

Antsy with that many exclamation marks! Poor Stu!

Em said...

Owwww, it does hurt, for the first week I'd be getting on the bike going ouch ouch ouch, the eventually my bum toughened up.

Freaking medial professionals, they are such killjoys