Saturday, August 20, 2011

getting there..

well i am heading on the right track anyway...
have had 8 weeks of consistent training at least...
raced poorly at sandown 29.0 for the 6.2km(and i did walk) :( cos im slack but it was an average of 4.40per km so thats not too bad(a minute and half slower than last year but hey... i gotta stop thinking like that
anyway have been quite pleased with my training. hip is getting less sore after rep sessions-
last week i ran 20km over 2 days on the weekend(a big weekend for me) and the you yangs have reopened woohoo! on the sat i did 10km with 3km tempo under hte 5min mark..found the run tough but i survived... tuesday session was at altona and i ran 5x800m reps. 3 were teh bi hill and 3 had the last 150 downhill instead f uphill. Extremely consisstent-all under 4:30/km pace and was only last on the first rep(2 of the others went out a bit fast)
thursday i trained at the tan. did 250 cruise 250 effort, 300 cruise then 3 min effort over anderson then 80s jog(didnt see the maerker) then 250effort then 30s break then 500effort then 400 easy then 250 effort 250 cruise 250 effort. plus 20min cool down/warm up
the lap was done in 19.16 which wasnt too bad
then thurs night i started doing the 40 hr famin but on friday nogiht when i felt sick i decided to eat so i did have one meal over hte 40hr :( but i did need energy to work this morning(sat)
anyway one meal in 38 hours makes a run quite tough
ran at the Tan again with instructions of efforts up anderson and 2 laps. so first lap i did that-took about 20.16 and then i cruised 750 and did an effort over anderson(which was faster than thursday :) and then quick drink and hten decided to keep working a bit ..the lap ended up as 19.09..but given i cruised the first 750-800 thats not too bad :)
and hten home had lunch and now have a very upset tummy...
some more consistent training is te key...but i am definitely getting more used to anderson st which should help when i race rhe Tan mid september :)

oh yeah, how funny! i got lost on the way to the airport and ended up in keilor(twice) and then followed some airport sign and ended up on a very very dark road that ended up being a dead end -well there was an gated entry but not for plebs like me-i think it was operations roador something..and then there were 4 planes just on the side of the road-and my car nearly conked out and i was thinking...hmmm that wouldnt be good in this deserted area(it was a bit scary)...


Andrew(ajh) said...

4:30 min/km is but a distant memory for me, so it seems you're doing pretty well!

Ewen said...

At least you didn't lose the keys to your car before you got to the airport.

Some nice training there Miss Jo. Thought I might have seen you in the results for the Tan Ultra after all that practise on Anderson St.